Workplace Finances

Article Tool Poll Quiz
How much of your income comes from incentive-based pay such as tips, commission or bonuses?
Paycheck Planning
Do you have an employer-sponsored 401(k), or equivalent, retirement plan?
Retirement Plans
Do you plan on maxing out your 401(k) this year?
Retirement Plans
Does your employer match your 401(k) contributions?
Retirement Plans
Does your employer offer short and long term disability insurance?
Employee Benefits
How well-tuned are your personal allowances on your W-4 form?
Paycheck Planning
Do you have an employer sponsored pension program?
Retirement Plans
How frequently do you get paid?
Paycheck Planning
Do you have employer-sponsored healthcare coverage?
Employee Benefits
Does your employer offer a life insurance benefit?
Employee Benefits
How many weeks of vacation or personal time do you have?
Employee Benefits